(English on the comment Japanese, 请看评论区的中文)
• 鸡腿肉:2块(500~600g)
• 粒状芥末:3汤匙
• 普罗旺斯香草:1汤匙
• 蒜泥:2瓣
• 特级初榨橄榄油:2汤匙
• 盐:1茶匙
• 黑胡椒:1茶匙
• 胡萝卜:1根
• 花椰菜:150g
• 蘑菇:5~6个
• 盐:少许
• 黑胡椒:少许
• 特级初榨橄榄油:2茶匙
1 在碗中混合粒状芥末、普罗旺斯香草、蒜泥、特级初榨橄榄油、盐和黑胡椒。为了使鸡腿肉更入味,可以在鸡皮的一侧用叉子或刀子扎几个小孔。将鸡腿肉放入碗中,均匀涂抹芥末酱。用保鲜膜封好碗,放入冰箱腌制半天。
2 胡萝卜去皮,切成块状;花椰菜切成适合食用的大小;蘑菇纵切成四块。烧开一锅加了一撮盐的水(额外的分量),水开后放入胡萝卜煮5分钟,然后捞出沥干。接着放入花椰菜焯水1分钟后取出。将煮好的胡萝卜、花椰菜和蘑菇放入碗中,加入盐、黑胡椒和橄榄油,拌匀。
3 将烤箱预热至240℃,将腌好的鸡腿肉放在烤盘上,烤15分钟。15分钟后,将蔬菜加入烤盘,再烤10分钟,直到鸡皮表面焦黄酥脆。将烤好的鸡腿肉和蔬菜一起盛在大盘中,即可享用。
Poulet à la Diable, Provencale
I brought back Herbes de Provence from France, so today I’ll be making a simple chicken dish using that along with plenty of mustard.
[Ingredients: Serves 2]
• Chicken thighs: 2 pieces (500–600g)
• Whole grain mustard: 3 tbsp
• Herbes de Provence: 1 tbsp
• Grated garlic: 2 cloves
• Extra virgin olive oil (EXV): 2 tbsp
• Salt: 1 tsp
• Black pepper: 1 tsp
Side Vegetables
• Carrot: 1
• Cauliflower: 150g
• Mushrooms: 5–6
• Salt: a pinch
• Black pepper: a pinch
• Extra virgin olive oil (EXV): 2 tsp
1 In a bowl, mix together the mustard, herbes de Provence, grated garlic, extra virgin olive oil, salt, and pepper. To help the marinade penetrate, prick the skin side of the chicken thighs with a fork or knife. Place the chicken in the bowl and coat it well with the mustard paste. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and marinate in the refrigerator for half a day.
2 Prepare the vegetables: peel and cut the carrot into chunks, cut the cauliflower into bite-sized pieces, and quarter the mushrooms. Bring a pot of salted water (not listed in ingredients) to a boil. Add the carrots and boil for 5 minutes. Remove and drain. Next, add the cauliflower to the boiling water, blanch for 1 minute, and drain. In a bowl, combine the blanched carrots, cauliflower, and mushrooms with salt, pepper, and extra virgin olive oil, and mix well.
3 Preheat the oven to 240°C (465°F). Place the marinated chicken thighs on a baking tray and roast for 15 minutes. After 15 minutes, add the vegetables to the baking tray and roast for an additional 10 minutes. Once the chicken skin is crispy and browned, the dish is ready. Serve the chicken thighs on a large plate alongside the roasted vegetables. Enjoy!