今日はポーランド料理のKotlet schabowy コトレット・スハボーヴィ。
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*豚ロース肉:2 枚
*小麦粉薄力粉:1/2 カップ
*卵:2 個
*レモン:1/2 個
① 調理台の上にラップを敷き、豚ロース肉を置き、軽く塩胡椒をふり、ラップを上にかぶせる。
Kotlet Schabowy
今天的菜是波兰料理 Kotlet Schabowy,也叫波兰炸猪排。这是一道把猪肉拍薄后裹上面包屑煎炸的波兰式炸猪排。
• 猪里脊肉:2片
• 盐:少许
• 胡椒:少许
• 普通面粉:1/2杯
• 粗面粉:2汤匙(可省略)
• 鸡蛋:2个
• 面包屑:200克
• 猪油:60克
• 意大利香菜:适量
• 柠檬:1/2个
• 酸菜:适量(可省略)
• 刨碎的甜菜根:适量(可省略)
• 腌黄瓜:适量(可省略)
1. 在料理台上铺上保鲜膜,放上猪里脊肉,撒上少许盐和胡椒调味,再盖上一层保鲜膜。
2. 用肉锤将猪肉拍薄。
3. 准备三个料理盘,分别放入混合好的面粉和粗面粉、打散的鸡蛋、以及面包屑。取下保鲜膜,将猪肉放入面粉和粗面粉中,轻轻按压使其均匀裹上粉,抖去多余的粉后放入蛋液,再放入面包屑中。重复一次蛋液和面包屑步骤。
4. 在平底锅中加热猪油,将猪肉放入锅中,使用铲子轻轻按压,使其均匀受热,煎至一面金黄色后翻面,煎至两面金黄。
5. 将猪排装盘,撒上意大利香菜,并用柠檬角装饰。可以搭配酸菜、刨碎的甜菜根和腌黄瓜一起享用。
享用美味的 Kotlet Schabowy 吧!
Kotlet Schabowy
Today’s dish is a Polish meal called Kotlet Schabowy. This is Poland’s version of tonkatsu—a pork cutlet that’s pounded thin, coated in breadcrumbs, and pan-fried.
[Ingredients: Serves 2]
• Pork loin: 2 pieces
• Salt: a pinch
• Pepper: a pinch
• All-purpose flour: 1/2 cup
• Semolina flour: 2 tbsp (optional)
• Eggs: 2
• Breadcrumbs: 200g
• Lard: 60g
• Italian parsley: as needed
• Lemon: 1/2
• Sauerkraut: as needed (optional)
• Grated beets: as needed (optional)
• Pickled cucumbers: as needed (optional)
1. Lay a sheet of plastic wrap on the counter, place the pork loin on it, season lightly with salt and pepper, and cover with another sheet of plastic wrap.
2. Using a meat mallet, pound the pork thinly.
3. Set up three trays: one with a mixture of flour and semolina, one with well-beaten eggs, and one with breadcrumbs. Remove the plastic wrap, coat the meat in the flour and semolina mixture, pressing lightly to ensure an even coating. Shake off any excess flour, dip the meat in the egg, and then coat with breadcrumbs. Repeat the egg and breadcrumb steps a second time.
4. Heat lard in a frying pan, add the pork, and fry, pressing down with a spatula to ensure even cooking. Cook until golden brown, then flip and fry until both sides are golden.
5. Serve on a plate with a sprinkle of Italian parsley and garnish with lemon wedges. Complete the dish with sides like sauerkraut, grated beets, and pickled cucumbers if desired.
Enjoy your Kotlet Schabowy!