Yesterday, I was in the house to work from morning. And, I went to a famous lokanta in Kadikoy, called Yanyali Fehmi Lokantasi in the afternoon. It was the 1st time to go to Lokanta in this trip. Palamut, Bonito & Vegetable in Lemon Soup was so nice.
Tomorrow Bayram starts. So the fish market is in Fever. Salam Takuya Unagamiさん(@salam_unagami)が投稿した動画 –
Drink Turkish Coffee outside. Salam Takuya Unagamiさん(@salam_unagami)が投稿した写真 –
Tepsi Manti. Oven baked manti. #searchingforperfectmanti Salam Takuya Unagamiさん(@salam_unagami)が投稿した写真 –
Turk Kahve Fortune telling. Salam Takuya Unagamiさん(@salam_unagami)が投稿した写真 –
Early evening in Kadikoy. Sacrifice holiday, Kurban Bayrami starts from the following day. It was like New Year’s day Eve or Obon week in Tokyo.
Polish friend, Kornelia Binicewicz made Shakshuka for us in the evening. 3 Turkish helped her, a Brasilian guy relaxed, and I, Japanese took photos and note of her recipe.
Shakshuka with goat cheese. Thank you very much Kornelia Binicewicz. The recipe will be posted later.